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Блог > Death... is worth to be alive (to live and to fight for life)
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Death... is worth to be alive (to live and to fight for life)
31.12.2022 12:37
Please accept my condolences and gratitude to the aikido master. I first met Ezra Sheehan in 1997 in the city of Volgograd, Russia. On April 28, 1999, I passed his 1st dan black belt exam in Moscow, Ezra Shihan. A low bow to Terry Ezra, who brought peace to the souls of people of different nationalities with his patience and exemplary professionalism. I pray for the repose and salvation of the soul: "With God, everyone is alive."
I want to support you words from the song of Russian rock musician Viktor Tsoi
translation in English
Among my vocal cords, like a lump in a throat cramps a scream
But big-time has come, no matters if you shout or keep silence
Later on, someone will remember it long, tell on and repeat
how the swaying warriors cleaned their swords with the leafs
While the black ravens spread around and flapped their wings
And the sky was smiling, but then it has swallowed his teeth
And the arms were trembling by those who stayed alive
And suddenly one moment turned into the eternal time
And the dusk was shining like a one bright funeral fire
And the stars were watching like wolves from above the clouds
As they lied with the sunk open arms, gone forever with night
While the rest survived slept in a log-row, dead to the world
The LIFE is just a sound. For real are the Love and the Death
Hey, so who'll sing on this song here, if everyone sleeps?
Death... is worth to be alive (to live and to fight for life)
and the Love... is worth to be waiting for it »
Andrey Khanin President of the "Aikido Federation of the Stavropol Territory"
5 dan Aikido Aikikai.

Terry Ezra Shihan 7th dan aikidoI first met Ezra Sheehan in 1997 in the city of Volgograd, Russia.

On April 28, 1999, I passed his 1st dan black belt exam in Moscow, Ezra Shihan. 

In early 2010 and 2011, students of the Stavropol Aikido Federation participated in Terry Ezra's seminars in Astrakhan in memory of master Rafik Almyashev.

On December 28, 2022, Terry Ezra passed away at his home.

A low bow to Terry Ezra, who brought peace to the souls of people of different nationalities with his patience and exemplary professionalism. I pray for the repose and salvation of the soul: "With God, everyone is alive."

I want to support relatives and friends of Ezra Sheehan with words from a song by Russian rock musician Viktor Tsoi:

Death... is worth to be alive (to live and to fight for life)
And the Love... is worth to be waiting for it

Andrey Khanin President of the "Aikido Federation of the Stavropol Territory" 5 dan Aikido Aikikai.

